K. Micki Kacmar Volunteer of the Year Award




Each year, SMA recognizes its Volunteer of the Year with an award named for one of the most giving volunteers in the history of SMA, Micki Kacmar.

Micki worked tirelessly for SMA throughout her career and even into retirement. She is the epitome of a servant leader and she contributed to making SMA what it is now.

Because of her service, we thought it only proper to name the Volunteer of the Year award after her.


2023Stacey KesslerKennesaw State University
2022Karen LandayUniversity of Missouri
2021Ben McClartyMississippi State University
2020No award givenVirtual Conference due to Covid
2019Joy KarrikerEast Carolina University
2018Ericka LawrenceEast Carolina University
2017Laura and Tim MaddenEast Carolina University
2016Paul JohnsonUniversity of Mississippi