Editorial Excellence
Lisa Schurer Lambert Named First Woman Co-editor of Organizational Research Methods
By Stephany Below, PR Specialist
SMA Vice President and Program Chair Lisa Schurer Lambert has been appointed co-editor of the journal Organizational Research Methods (ORM), along with Tine Köhler (University of Melbourne). The two will become the first women editors of ORM since its founding in 1998.
Lambert, the William S. Spears Chair of Business at Oklahoma State University, will begin the editor transition period July 1 2021, with the formal editor term beginning January 1, 2022. She will serve a four-year term. Both Lambert and Köhler currently serve as associate editors of the journal.
“Becoming co-editor of ORM is an honor, and Tine and I have received tremendous support from our colleagues in the methods community,” Lambert said. “Despite the welcoming and supportive attitudes of methodologists, women are still under-represented as authors. We hope that our co-editorship will encourage early career scholars to develop methodological contributions.”
Less than 8% of the most published ORM authors are women (Aguinis et al, ORM, 2019), Lambert noted. She and Köhler intend to make this a focus of their efforts. They submitted a joint application detailing their strategic and operational plans for ORM and how they would coordinate and cooperate to present a united voice for the journal.
“We intend to take a collaborative approach to developing outreach initiatives to increase diversity in authorship and readership, and taking steps to increase the impact and prominence of ORM,” Lambert stated.
Organizational Research Methods is sponsored by the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management. ORM brings relevant methodological developments to researchers working in a wide range of organizational and management studies, promoting a more effective understanding of current and new methodologies and their application in organizational settings. ORM is known for publishing high-quality content from the qualitative and quantitative domains, micro and macro perspectives, and is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). With a 2017 impact factor of 4.918, ORM ranked 5th out of 82 journals in the category “Applied Psychology” and 17th out of 209 journals in the category “Management.”
“Research methods matter because they provide the foundation for how we know what we know from our research,” Lambert explained. “Unless our methodologies are sound, we can’t have confidence in our conclusions.”
Lambert and Köhler also recently launched an informal group called Women in Research Methods for the purpose of recognizing and supporting female methodology scholars. This group may be of interest to faculty members and doctoral students for sharing interests, questions, concerns, and advice on writing methods papers, using methods, teaching methods, integrating methods research in an academic career, and other issues related to both qualitative and quantitative methods.
In addition to her work for ORM, Lambert also serves on the editorial boards of several other journals, including the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Business and Psychology, Journal of Management, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
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