SMA Pre-Doctoral Consortia Application Form

Call for Nominations

The Annual Pre-Doctoral Consortia hosted by the Southern Management Association (SMA), will be held in San Antonio, TX on October 30th (with a welcome reception the evening of the 29th) as part of the Annual Meeting running October 29th – November 2nd (see The SMA Pre-Doctoral Consortium aims to offer valuable professional guidance to individuals strongly considering doctoral programs in management or related fields. Sessions will cover various topics including career paths in academia, the doctoral student experience, faculty roles, the application package and process, and assessing fit with doctoral programs.

To apply, individuals should complete the application below. As part of the application, students will need to join the Southern Management Association (SMA). To fill out the application, students will need to upload a short letter of interest along with their resume/CV and provide contact information for a faculty reference. Application letters can be brief but should state why the student wants to attend the consortium and discuss how it will help them accomplish their career goals. Participants are expected to attend for the entirety of the day. Those who attend the full program will earn a $550 stipend. The deadline for submitting all application materials is June 15, 2024.

Please submit questions electronically to Dr. Sohrab Soleimanof, Louisiana State University at


(1) Only active members can register for the Annual Meeting.
(2) Individuals can apply for one consortium only.
(3) Participation in a consortium will preclude an individual from taking part in any off-site event that is scheduled at the same time.
(4) Pre-doctoral, early-stage, and late-stage consortia participants must attend the SMA Business Meeting, which will be held on the evening of Thursday, October 31, to receive their stipend.

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Click or drag a file to this area to upload.