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Best Overall Conference Paper award winners award by year: 
YearWinner(s)Title of Submission
2024Aichia Chuang (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
Yu-Ping Chen (National Taiwan University)
Tsung-Ren Huang (National Taiwan University)
Hsu-Min Lee (National Taiwan University)
A Neuropsychological Examination of Perceived Person–Environment Fit: What It Is and
How It Differs from Job Satisfaction
2023Lauren Locklear (Texas Tech University)
Meghan Kane (University of Central Florida)
Mark Ehrhart (University of Central Florida)
Top-Down: The Trickle-Down Effects of Gratitude Expressions in the Workplace
2022Jessica Methot (Rutgers University)
Kevin Rockmann (George Mason University)
Emily Rosado-Soloman (California State University Long Beach)
Longing for the Past: The Dual Effects of Daily Nostalgia on Employee Performance
2021Vivien Jancenelle (University of Houston-Clear Lake)Too Much Psychological Capital? Exploring Curvilinear Relationships between PsyCap and Performance Prior to and After the
COVID-19 Crisis
2020Marketa Rickley (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
Pavlina Kemp (University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics)
The Effect of Video Lecture Design and Production on Perceived Learning and Student Satisfaction in Online MBA Courses
2019Yonghong Liu (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
Chen Zhao (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications)
Zhonghua Gao (Capital University of Economics and Business)
Zhiyong Yang (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
The Effect of Abusive Supervision on Objective Performance and Customer-Directed Sabotage: Role of Employment Status
2018Kaylee Hackney (Baylor University)
Shanna Daniels (Florida State University)
Samantha Paustian-Underdahl (Florida State University)
Pamela Perrewé (Florida State University)
Asia Eaton (Florida International University)
Ashley Mandeville (Florida Gulf Coast University)
Examining the Effects of Perceived Pregnancy
Discrimination on Mother and Baby Health
2017Christopher Castille (Rutgers University – New Brunswick)
Wayne Crawford (University of Texas – Arlington)
Marcia Simmering (Louisiana Tech University)
You Gotta Keep Em’ Separated: The Efficacy of Proximal Remedies for Method Variance
2016Jae Uk Chun (Korea University)
John Sosik (Pennsylvania State University)
Dongseop Lee (Korea University)
Leader Feedback-Seeking from Subordinates and
Evaluation of Leader Effectiveness in Leader-Subordinate Relationships: Subordinate Expertise Does Matter!
2015Matthew Quade (Baylor University)
Rebecca Lee Greenbaum (Oklahoma State University)
“If Only I Were Less Ethical”: When Social Comparisons of Ethical Behavior and Performance Lead to Self-Threat, Social Undermining, and Ostracism
Best Overall Doctoral Student Paper award winners by year:

YearWinner(s)Title of Submission
2024Yi Zhang (Oklahoma State University)
Kincy Madison (Oklahoma State University)
Understanding the Meaning and Transmission of Legacy: A Symbolic Interactionism
2023Yangyang Zhang (Loyola Marymount University)
Ann Murphy (Stevens Institute of Technology)
Seung-Hwan Jeong (University of Georgia)
Scapegoats Or Change Agents?: Examining the Promotion of Racial Minority CEOs to Firms in Crisis
2022Terrance Boyd (Louisiana State University)
Michael Johnson (Louisiana State University)
The Power to Push Through? A Resilience Perspective on Disability Relationships and Leader Performance
2021Vivien Jancenelle (University of Houston – Clear Lake)Too Much Psychological Capital? Exploring Curvilinear Relationships between PsyCap and Performance Prior to and After the COVID-19 Crisis
2020Hyunjung Yoon (University of Georgia)
Daniel Gamache (University of Georgia)
Jason Kiley (Clemson University)
Michael Pfarrer (University of Georgia)
Elevating the CEO: The Consequences of Firm Efforts to Promote their New CEO
2019Meng Zhong (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Sandy Wayne University of Illinois at Chicago)
Eric J Michel (Northern Illinois University)
When the Past and Present Collide: Interactive
Effects of Dual Psychological Contract Breaches
on Employee Outcomes
2018Mercedes McBride-Walker (Case Western Reserve University)A Crack in the Armor: Understanding the
Narratives of Fear and Uncertainty at Work
2017Stephen Smulowitz (IESE Business School)
Horacio Rousseau (Florida State University)
The Behavioral Theory of the (Community-Oriented) Firm: Community Orientation and Bank’s Response to Attainment Discrepancy
2016Joel Benjamin Carnevale (Auburn University)
Lei Huang (Auburn University)
Mary Uhl-Bien (Texas Christian University)
Stanley G. Harris (Auburn University)
The Double-Edged Sword of Leader-Member Exchange on Employee Voice in Groups: Social Contagion or Relational Maneuvering?
2015Kyoung Yong Kim (University of Houston)
Leanne Atwater (University of Houston)
Myungsun Kim, (University of Houston)
Phillip M. Jolly (University of Houston)
Predicting Career Advancement: The Roles of Gender, Self-Efficacy, and Human Capital Investment Strategies