Submitting a Recorded Presentation

SMA understands that Covid-19 presents challenges to our members, so while we would love to see everyone in person, we are providing an option for authors who are unable to attend but would still like to present their work. 

    1. Record and edit your presentation. There are many software packages out there that allow you to record and edit. Camtasia, Zoom,  Screencast-o-Matic. 
    2. After you record your presentation and it is edited to your liking, you will need to upload it to a hosting service. There are many ways to host a video, but two of the most common are Youtube and Vimeo.
      1. Instructions for Uploading to Youtube
      2. Instructions for Uploading to Vimeo
    3. Confirm that your video is publically available. Send it to a friend or co-author to make sure they can see it.
    4. Once you’re done, send us the link in the form below.
    5. Make sure you or one of your co-authors is registered for the meeting.
    6. Please keep your recorded presentation to 10-12 minutes.

Your presentation will be shown during your scheduled session and available on the Whova conference app. The session facilitator will collect any feedback from the audience and forward it to you. Unfortunately, due to technical limitations, we are unable to offer a way for you to participate in the conference beyond this option.

If you, or your coauthors, are unable to travel to the conference and you choose not to record a video of your presentation and register, then we will withdraw your paper from the program and hope to see you at a future conference.

Please copy and paste the link to your recorded video here. We support Youtube and Vimeo, but you can use other services as long as the video is publically accessible. Please confirm that the video is not set to Private by pasting this link to another browser and viewing the video.